Eat, Live, Move.
Optimize Your Health.

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Recapture and Optimize Your Wellness

Welcome! My name is Dr. Leandro Pucci, DCN CNS® CKNS® LDN. As an Integrative practitioner, I am passionate about empowering people to take charge of their health and wellness by using food, nutrients, exercise, and lifestyle changes as medicine. My programs cover science-based personalized nutrition interventions designed based on information from your health history, lab testing, and your lifestyle. 


My practice, Leandro Pucci Nutrition’s point of view, is based on low-carb nutrition therapies, lifestyle modifications, and nutrigenomics to bring about Metabolic Optimization so you can live clean and mindfully and recapture your vitality and wellness once and for all.

My StoryMy Approach
A fit, muscular and healthy man that takes care of himself

Ways I Can Help

 You have tried all kinds of restrictive diets or counting your calories and followed the advice of all types of “nutrition experts,” but still, your blood sugar puts you at risk of developing diabetes, or you keep struggling with your weight.

You tried or are on a “keto” diet, and your cholesterol labs seem scary, and you are at a plateau with your goals. You are a man who feels the vigor of your twenties is no longer there. Your testosterone levels are falling and storing fat in your belly. Or you are a woman struggling with PMS and perimenopause issues. Libido is gone, and workout recovery takes longer. 


You are struggling with any digestive dysfunction or experiencing brain fog, anxiety, headaches, or migraines.

Or you may want to optimize your health or performance and expand your health span.


I can help identify the root cause of your health concerns and achieve your goals by developing data-centric, evidence-based, personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations centered on a low-carbohydrate approach to nutrition therapy that fits your needs, not just addresses the symptoms.  

Book a Discovery Call

When I met Leandro, I was a mess. I had no idea how to nourish my body for everything I had to do. I feel healed after following a personalized eating protocol and taking a few targeted supplements to help optimize my blood panel and digestion. I look forward to continuing this great journey.



Very knowledgeable and helped me achieve my nutrition goals with ease. I highly recommend Leandro if you’re looking to make that healthy change in your life and just don’t know where to start. You can feel confident that you are in great hands.



Leandro Pucci is an excellent professional. He’s been my nutritionist for sometime now and I can say that he really goes the extra mile for his patients. I truly appreciate his expertise and his fun personality. Thank you for all your dedication, Leandro. I could not let it go unnoticed.



Clean eating handout. A simple guide to improve wellness and health with nutrition

Free Nutrition Guide!

Learn the basics of eating clean and optimizing your health. Download my free guide now.

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